I don't know whether this question fits well for meta or not,

But I would like to draw staff's attention to the fact that, solutions to many psets or I should rather say most part of solutions are innocently posted by our new users on the site. Ofc, we can't expect them to know all the rules of using the site at once.

Other users on SE can't help at that level because even editing the question does not remove its history completely from the site, so one can easily find answers on edited's link.

Also, since most psets don't change each year(I read that somewhere on facebook group), then SE can become a good spoiler especially for the students who are going to enrol in next and upcoming years.

Is staff planning to change all psets each year so that this issue can be prevented or something else like removing the edited versions of the questions so that no one else can exploit them in future?

1 Answer 1


The main goal of CS50 is to teach students about learning and looking for hints on solutions: hints on solutions may help their learning path. Anyway, I agree with user "sinister" on the fact that complete solutions to Psets should not be posted. While I consider that a user should follow the rules of academic honesty while posting an answer, it is a matter of fact that some of them don't.
Maybe a dissuasion action (like subtracting points to their reputation) might be useful to gather against posting complete solutions. As always, ignorance of the laws (of academic honesty) is not an excuse.

  • The problem is not from regular users of the site, it is from the new ones. They don't know how much code should be shown. And in many cases, they innocently post a major part of the solution.
    – sinister
    Commented Nov 1, 2014 at 15:58
  • 1
    Downvoting questions and answers results in a loss of reputation for the author. In addition, repeatedly asking poor questions will result in progressively more severe restrictions automatically. So, this is already built in to the platform - as long as users are willing to cast votes.
    – Air
    Commented Nov 6, 2014 at 0:24
  • Here is how facebook users responded to it, where decisions regarding cheating landed on personal ethics and not on academic honesty.
    – sinister
    Commented Nov 24, 2014 at 8:48

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